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Forging Saws
Carbide sawing equipment is used to cut steel billets during steel processing. High-speed circular carbide saws can incorporate re-grindable or disposable carbide-tipped blades. Disc sawing machines offer exceptional speed, accuracy and sawing quality, and are designed for the high duty cycles typically found in high-production environments.
Carbide Disc Saws for Billets S Series
The high speed circular carbide saws feature either re-grindable blades or the new disposable blades for our models up through to the S 50. This new disposable blade technology offers the best solution in both productivity and cost per cut.
The construction is extremely robust and all elements including the material handling systems are designed for the high duty cycle typically found in high production environments.
The world of the forging industry is very complex, : it includes many different applications and is continuously evolving.
We are able to simplify this world and offer a wide range of machinery which can cover all production needs:
Very efficient presses for cold, warm and hot metal shaping, varying in force, energy, stroke, and that can be supplied with accessories on demand.
High performance shears for cold, warm and hot shearing of round and square bars with different size and material.
A wide range of high speed disc saws to cover all cutting requirements in the forging industry, assuring maximum production flexibility.
Highly reliable robots to fully automate your forging lines, thus increasing productivity and efficiency of your workshop.