Structural Steel Band Saw Machines

Specially designed band saws are used for cutting structural steel beams. The latest band saw machines incorporate CNC technology to facilitate high-speed, automated cutting operations, with no requirement for direct operator involvement. This enables considerable efficiency and productivity improvements in structural steel cutting processes.



Ficep Band Saws

CNC technology has revolutionised the fabrication of structural steel in many areas over the past 20 years. Historically, this technology started with the automation of layout and the production of holes in structural steel beams and later grew into the area of automatic production of angle and plate components.

Ficep has taken this proven CNC technology to the next level by incorporating it into ourhigh speed automated band saws that are designed and manufactured, specifically to process structural steel.

The incorporation of CNC automation into a band saw for ‘Intelligent Fabrication’ permits productivity and performance that is not possible with traditional band saws. Ficep’s ‘Intelligent Fabrication’ technology is designed to accommodate both structural steel and solids. For example  through automating the sawing technology we can incorporate the removal of trim cuts, short parts, scrap and remnant management to permit full automation without direct operator involvement

Ficep offers an "on site" consulting services to achieve the most ideal layout with related material handling equipment for your existing facility.

Stand Alone CNC Band Saws

In addition to our fully automatic band saw solutions with integrated measuring and material handling, we also offer a full range of stand-alone band saws that are specifically designed to process structural steel. Our stand-alone band saws also incorporate many of the automatic features included in our "Intelligent Fabrication" sawing solutions. These features are incorporated into an automatic cut cycle that is adjuststed by program selection to the required section to be processed including even the mitre angle