Meet the team: Santosh Panda

Santosh Panda is an experienced Field Service Engineer at Ficep UK with over 14 years’ experience gained working with the Ficep Group. His background in mechanical engineering and his strong work ethic make him a valued and well-respected member of the team.

Here, we ask Santosh a few questions to find out more about his career and what he enjoys most about his role at Ficep UK:

How did your career begin?

I started my career after completing my diploma in mechanical engineering, which led me into the system maintenance field. I quickly developed my technical skills and started working with the Ficep Group team in India in 2010. By 2015, I was working across Ficep’s global businesses and frequently travelled to the UK for several weeks each year. This regular interaction helped me build strong relationships with my UK colleagues and get a thorough understanding of the market and customer needs.

What attracted you to the role at Ficep UK?

I started in my UK-based role in 2023 after relocating from India. I’d always enjoyed my time working in the UK and wanted to be part of the team-oriented environment at Ficep UK. So, when an opportunity arose, I applied and was very happy to get the job. The business feels like an extended family to me. The supportive and friendly culture is a huge benefit of working here.

What does your role involve?

My role involves maintaining and troubleshooting fully automated and manual steel processing CNC machines, ensuring they remain efficient and productive. My mechanical engineering background and skills in electro-mechanical and PLC fault-finding allow me to provide comprehensive support - from installation to maintenance and repairs.

I address technical issues and provide training and technical support to help customers get the most out of their equipment.

What do you enjoy most about working at Ficep UK?

I enjoy learning about new technologies and Ficep's continuous innovations. I also love being on the front line of the business, meeting customers face-to-face and seeing firsthand how they work. I’m passionate about supporting our customers and understanding their needs so I can deliver the best possible service.

What motivates you?

One of the main drivers for me is to ensure customer satisfaction in a market where manpower can be an issue. Customers often turn to Ficep to help increase their output and overcome staffing challenges. I find it a very rewarding job. I always aim to exceed customer expectations, knowing it can improve their outputs and that they are the ultimate judges of my work.

I also believe in continuous learning and being generous with knowledge by educating and passing on best practices to colleagues and customers. Staying up to date with new technologies and being open to different perspectives are key to my professional growth.

Richard Clark, Ficep UK’s Operations Director, says:

“Our service team is the strongest it has ever been, which is thanks in part to Santosh and the skills and work ethos he brings. This is reflected in the positive feedback we receive from our customers and how he is admired amongst colleagues. Santosh’s ability to handle projects from beginning to end, along with his willingness to learn and share knowledge, makes him a crucial resource for customers looking to improve their operations with the latest technology.

“Santosh’s balance of professionalism and personal ambitions makes him a great example of the talent and commitment that Ficep UK values in its team members. I’m immensely proud of Santosh and everything he achieves.”

For Ficep UK, Santosh Panda’s professional journey highlights the importance of nurturing talent and fostering a supportive work environment. With professionals like Santosh, Ficep UK is well-equipped to meet the changing needs of its customers and maintain its excellent reputation.

Santosh Panda, Ficep UK field service engineer

Santosh Panda, Field Service Engineer at Ficep UK